Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What Is Fluorosis?

In our last few posts, we have talked about the importance of healthy enamel and the benefits of fluoride. Today we want to talk about one more related topic—fluorosis.

This is a condition that can develop when patients have too much fluoride. Patients with fluorosis can end up with stains or white streaks on their teeth. Children may be especially vulnerable, but adults can be too when the exposure is great enough.

Fluoride is found in toothpastes, mouthwashes, and water supplies. If instructions aren’t followed when using these toothpastes or mouthwashes, that can lead to the blemishes caused by fluorosis.

Thankfully, the problems of fluorosis are primarily cosmetic. With a service like porcelain veneers, Dr. Scurti can help you turn your situation around to have a beautiful smile again.

A transformation with porcelain veneers takes two appointments to complete. What we design will do an excellent job of complementing the size and shape of your smile.

Learn more about fluorosis and porcelain veneers by calling Verona Dental Arts today. Dr. Scurti would be happy to talk to you and answer your questions during a consultation visit. We serve patients from Verona, West Orange, Livingston, Clifton, and other cities in New Jersey.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Benefits of Fluoride

In our last post, we talked about the importance of healthy enamel. Today we want to focus on a topic related to that: fluoride.

As you may know, fluoride is routinely added to tap water and it’s a key ingredient in most toothpaste brands. Some mouthwashes also include fluoride.

Why does it seem like fluoride is everywhere? Because of how beneficial it is for teeth. To enjoy good oral health, you need to have strong enamel. But acid, bacteria, and plaque can weaken enamel, making teeth vulnerable to decay. Fluoride helps support enamel by attracting healthy minerals.

To make sure that your teeth stay strong and healthy, we recommend that patients brush with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day. You might also want to avoid drinking bottled water, as most bottled water doesn’t contain any fluoride. Enjoy a cup of tap water instead. And why not finish up your oral health routine by rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash.

Children especially need extra help protecting their teeth, because they’re just learning to brush. Make sure that you’re helping your little one every day by making brushing a family event and by explaining the importance of strong, healthy teeth.

Call Verona Dental Arts today if you have questions about fluoride or enamel. We serve patients from Verona, West Orange, Livingston, Clifton, and other cities in New Jersey.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Protective Power of Enamel

Our teeth are made up of three layers. For today’s post, we want to focus on the outer layer, which is known as the enamel. This layer forms the part of the tooth that we see when we smile. It also has an important protective function.

Specifically, enamel protects teeth from decay, which is caused by an acidic chemical reaction that occurs when we eat foods high in sugar or starch. When enamel becomes weak, teeth can develop cavities. A tooth with a cavity needs to be treated with a filling. In cases of advanced decay, a crown, inlay, or onlay may be necessary. In other cases, a bad cavity can lead to a bacterial infection inside the tooth, which would need to be treated with a root canal.

Fluoride plays an important role in protecting your teeth and keeping your enamel strong. How does it do this? By attracting important minerals that will make it more difficult for acid, bacteria, and plaque to destroy this important protective layer.

You can find fluoride in most toothpaste brands. Most communities have also added fluoride to their water supply. Some mouthwashes even contain it. With so many sources for fluoride out there, it’s easy to protect the enamel on your smile.

Do you have questions about the protective power of your enamel and the benefits of fluoride? Don’t hesitate to call Dr. Scurti’s Verona dental office. We’ll be happy to answer your questions or schedule an appointment with you. Dr. Scurti serves patients from Verona, West Orange, Livingston, Clifton, and other cities in New Jersey.