Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Restore Your Smile’s Natural Appearance and Functionality with Dental Implants

If you’re missing one or more teeth, you might wonder if there’s a restorative dentistry option that provides more natural results than traditional partials or dentures. The good the news is, yes, there is–it’s called dental implants.

As with traditional tooth replacement options, dental implants make speaking and eating easier by filling in the gaps in your smile. But unlike those methods, dental implants don’t rely on clasps, suction, or denture adhesive. Instead, they use small metal screws surgically placed in the jaw to anchor a new crown, bridge, partial, or full denture.

Once in place, these metal screws act like prosthetic roots. Just like natural roots, they contribute to a strong, stable bite, in addition to promoting bone growth in the jaw. Without roots of any kind, your jaw will weaken, to the point that you could lose any remaining teeth you have. Your implants will help you replace what you’ve lost and preserve your jaw going forward.

Not every patient is a candidate for dental implants, though. During a visit to Dr. Michael Scurti’s Verona dental office, we can assess your oral health and the strength of your jaw. If you have enough bone density, you may be an excellent candidate for the implant procedure. If not, it may be possible to become one through a few extra techniques.

Do you want to make 2014 the year you restore your smile’s natural appearance and functionality? Call us now to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scurti for this month or early in January. We serve patients from Verona, West Orange, Livingston, Clifton, and surrounding New Jersey towns.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Enjoy Better Confidence and Wellbeing in 2014 with Dentures and Partials

A full set of healthy teeth is important for your confidence and your wellbeing. Imagine how different your life might be if you were missing multiple teeth, or even a full arch. Speaking would be more difficult, and so would eating and smiling. Missing teeth can also affect your appearance by making you look older than you are.

But missing teeth don’t have to cause you anxiety or prevent you from enjoying a healthy diet. At Verona Dental Arts, Dr. Michael Scurti can transform your smile’s appearance and functionality with partial and full dentures. With today’s advances in dental technology, Dr. Scurti can provide you with realistic-looking dentures that will help you eat foods it would be difficult to enjoy without teeth. What’s more, your partial or full dentures will also give you the confidence to speak and smile like you used to. They may even improve your appearance by softening the wrinkles created by missing teeth.

Additionally, some patients may want to consider a partial or denture supported by dental implants. Dr. Scurti will help you decide if this, or some other course, is your best option during a consultation at his Verona dental office.

Reclaim your confidence and your oral health in 2014 with a partial or a full denture. Call Verona Dental Arts today to schedule an appointment with us. Our office is using dentures to change the lives of patients from Verona, West Orange, Livingston, Clifton, and surrounding New Jersey towns.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Periodontal Therapy from Verona Dental Arts

Gum disease is a very common oral health problem. It’s not only responsible not only for symptoms like sensitivity, bleeding, and bad breath, it can also cause tooth loss and make patients susceptible to other kinds of health problems in the rest of the body.

Thankfully, treatment is possible with periodontal therapy at Verona Dental Arts. Using scaling and root planing—two very effective therapies—Dr. Michael Scurti will help you eliminate bacteria and plaque from your smile.

Specifically, scaling and root planing target areas below the gum line, where pockets may have developed between the teeth and gums. Since bacteria and plaque are the key ingredients behind gum disease, removing these from the mouth is essential to treating uncomfortable symptoms and restoring good oral health.

Are you struggling with the effects of gum disease? Find out how Dr. Scurti can help with periodontal therapy. During a consultation at his Verona dental office, we can talk to you about your current situation and your needs. We promise to offer you personalized care that targets your exact situation.

Call us today to schedule an appointment. Dr. Scurti is happy to offer quality periodontal therapy to patients from Verona, West Orange, Livingston, Clifton, and surrounding New Jersey towns.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Strengthen and Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

In an earlier post we talked about the history of dental implants. Today we’d like to talk about how dental implants work and why they’re such an effective restorative dental service.

Dental implants are used to replace one or more of a patient’s missing teeth and are structured in a way similar to the patient’s natural smile, with a crown on top and an implant post underneath. These implant posts acts like prosthetic roots, providing patients with restorative care that mimics nature.

But replacing your missing roots with dental implants isn’t just about shoring up a new crown, bridge, or denture. Your tooth roots also stimulate bone growth in the jaw. Throughout your life, new bone tissue replaces old bone tissue, keeping your jaw strong. When you lose a root, though, a part of your jaw no longer has anything there to stimulate new bone tissue. As a result, that part of your jaw will begin to weaken as bone is lost. Over time, nearby teeth may be lost as a result as well. Dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth but also strengthen the jaw and prevent bone loss.

Unfortunately, not every patient is a good candidate for dental implants. If you’d like to know if they’re right for you, visit Dr. Michael Scurti at Verona Dental Arts. During a consultation appointment, Dr. Scurti will thoroughly assess your health and your needs. If your jaw is strong enough to support one or more implants, we’ll start planning your implant procedure right away. If dental implants aren’t right for you, we’re happy to recommend another treatment option. Dr. Scurti is committed to creating healthy, beautiful smiles through a variety of today’s best general, cosmetic, and restorative services.

Call Verona Dental Arts today to see how we can help. We serve patients from Verona, West Orange, Livingston, Clifton, and surrounding New Jersey towns.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Enhance Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers

Many patients are afraid to let others see their teeth because of imperfections like cracks, chips, staining, misalignment, and more. Thankfully, with a cosmetic dentistry service like porcelain veneers, a whiter, straighter-looking smile is possible. With porcelain veneers from Dr. Michael Scurti, patients from Verona, NJ and surrounding areas can hide the imperfections that are keeping them from smiling, resulting in better confidence and wellbeing.

Your custom-made veneers will be carefully crafted from durable dental porcelain. Veneers are thin and designed to lay flat over the front of your teeth.

Transforming a smile with porcelain veneers can be done in two appointments. In the first, Dr. Scurti will assess your oral health and talk to you about the changes you’d like to make to your smile. We’ll also prep your teeth by removing a small amount of enamel so that your finished veneers will lay flat. Then, between your first and second appointment, our lab will design your veneers according to a detailed plan from us. For your second appointment, all we have to do is affix your personalized veneers, completing your cosmetic procedure and giving you the smile you’ve always wanted.

Do you want to know more about porcelain veneers and how they can make a difference in your life? Call Verona Dental Arts today. Dr. Scurti offers cosmetic dentistry to patients from Verona, West Orange, Livingston, Clifton, and surrounding New Jersey towns.