Thursday, January 9, 2014

Easing Uncomfortable Symptoms with Neuromuscular Dentistry

Do you struggle with regular headaches or pain in your neck, shoulders, and back? Have you noticed that your jaw seems to pop or click when opening your mouth to chew or speak? These are signs that you might be struggling with a neuromuscular issue like bruxism (teeth grinding) or TMJ dysfunction. Both are serious issues but can be easily addressed with neuromuscular dentistry.

Neuromuscular dentistry looks at the health and alignment of the jaw, including the underlying muscles, tendons, and skeletal structures. Often, the most effective treatment for problems related to neuromuscular dentistry is a simple appliance worn by the patient during the day or at night.

A Simple Solution for Bruxism and TMJ Dysfunction

Patients who struggle with bruxism unconsciously grind and clench their teeth, most often while asleep, when they can’t stop themselves. TMJ dysfunction, on the other hand, is caused by a misaligned bite and puts pressure on the temporomandibular joints located on both sides of the face, where the jaw connects to the bottom of the skull. What’s more, patients who struggle with bruxism are more susceptible to developing TMJ dysfunction.

To treat these issues, Dr. Scurti of Verona Dental Arts will recommend either a nightguard or another kind of oral appliance. Nightguards are designed to stop teeth from grinding together. An appliance made specifically for TMJ dysfunction will realign the jaw to reduce aggravation on the joints. In both cases Dr. Scurti will create an appliance with a personalized fit to ensure the best possible results.

Are uncomfortable symptoms standing between you and good health and wellbeing? Call Verona Dental Arts to schedule an appointment with Dr. Scurti. We offer neuromuscular dental care to patients from Verona, Livingston, Clifton, West Orange, and nearby New Jersey cities.

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